Monday, October 5, 2009


Twitter...I dislike it as I am not a user and do not really understand why anyone would want an account - At the same time I do enjoy the witty quips or ranting banter people come up with in that little box as much as the next person. Twitter is actually a reasonably attractive technology on the 'sharing your thoughts with others' bandwagon and consists purely of status updates. On Twitter you can make an account and start adding your thoughts to the pool. You can also find friends and even strangers to 'follow' and have your own 'followers' in return. Twitter is explained as keeping all your friends and family in touch with your daily grind, letting them know all the details of your life that happen between phone calls, emails and blog posts. This is an exciting pitch and I believe Twitter is a success according to meeting their own goals.

When I took part in class discussion we decided it would be difficult to use Twitter in the classroom with the children as it would be extremely difficult to monitor the children's private accounts. Twitter would work however to keep the parents in touch with going's on in the classroom, the class could have a twitter account (a private one)that the parents and other teachers 'follow' the teacher and students could then take turns at announcing what the class has achieved for the day or simply the activity they are currently doing. This would give parents the chance to be more involved with the goings on in the classroom and allow for up to date information to be shared constantly, filling in the gaps between newsletters and parent teacher nights.

Overall Twitter is an exciting avenue for communicating with and connecting people. I can't see myself using it it a personal way but would definitely consider it for class use in the future.

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